Should your practice opt not to purchase an Impromed® pre-paid support plan, Impromed® offers case-by-case support. By providing this level of support, every Covetrus customer, regardless of support status, is assured quality hardware, software and operating system support. The fee for this support varies on the amount of time spent on each issue.
- Available to all customers not on a pre-paid service support plan
- Available to all customers on a pre-paid plan of which does not cover the issue (i.e. a virus)
- Consultation on hardware, off-the-shelf software, and operating system purchases
Case-by-case support is available on a per-call basis through toll-free telephone, modem, or router connections, during regular business hours. After-hours software update, OS installation, and hardware install/swap are by appointment. Call (800) 925-7171 for pricing and availability.