How wellness plans benefit your patients and your practice

By Marketing

6 August 2019 5 min read


Wellness plans help ensure your patients’ owners are prioritising their animal’s long-term health and wellbeing.

This proactive investment in the health of pets is a growing trend across the veterinary industry, heavily influenced by the rise in ‘pet parents’, disposable income, and the accessibility of technology in payment plans and services.

Wellness plans are an attractive option for practice clients because scheduled payments can happen in the background, giving not only clients but veterinary practices as well, peace of mind that their pets are receiving ongoing care. The flow-on effect for veterinarian practices is long-term patient-veterinarian relationships based on meaningful recommendations and a steady flow of income, with potential for growth.

Setting up wellness plans

Initial set up and ongoing administration of wellness plans can appear daunting for some practice managers. This can cause the idea of offering a regular payment plan for specified services over an agreed time period to hit an operational stumbling block. Without the tools to set up plans, check payments, and schedule follow up appointments, the concept often gets shelved and forgotten in the flurry of patient visits and consultations.

Choose the right software partner

The right software can take the pain out of creating, and maintaining, wellness treatment plans and help simplify and automate the process. Preventative healthcare plans that allow scheduled payments ensure predictable payments to smooth out revenue dips and stabilise cash flow for your practice. Client uptake can also be maximised by creating a range of plans that are relevant to the life stage of patients and offering tiered treatment options suitable for a variety of budgets.

Promote loyalty in your client base

The ongoing financial commitment to the wellbeing of their companion animals promotes client loyalty and retention, which are vital for building a stable client base. Covetrus™’ software programs are specifically designed to provide the functionality needed for the seamless delivery, tracking, and integration of wellness plans, alongside existing practice management for the long-term benefit of patients, clients, and your practice.

Wellness treatment plans also promote regular contact with the reception team and veterinary professionals. This automation helps strengthen the relationship with clients and pets while providing long term, preventative health services, and ensures your practice can deliver the best possible standards of care.

Make your software work for you

Reminder prompts for follow up appointments are generated automatically with the right software solution. This makes it easy for your administrative and operations teams to keep on top of recurring services such as flea, tick, and worm treatments so that veterinarians have the stock they need when their patients need it.

This, in turn, leads to increased workflow, and more patients seen each week, that also create opportunities to recommend additional food, treatment, and accessory products to benefit the rehabilitation and preventative measures.

With a consistent wellness plan, veterinary practices can proactively lead the trend in wellness plans and create an industry-wide sense of peace of mind that patients are being treated by their preferred healthcare providers.

Knowing that the practice is keeping track of routine – but essential – services like nail clipping, vaccinations, and dental checks, can give your clients the confidence that they too are providing the best possible care as a pet parent before they need it. The auto-renewal of contracts – a task so easily overlooked in clients’ busy lives – also means they can sleep easy knowing that their pet’s wellbeing is being taken care of by their trusted veterinarian professional.

Service bundles that don’t blow the budget

The option to invest in service bundles offers added value for your clients without blowing their budgets. This is especially so if they include discounts on other veterinary treatments not covered by the plan. Being able to plan for a fixed regular payment takes the stress out of their veterinary services spend without compromising care.

In fact, it can save them even more money if issues are picked up during regular exams. Early diagnosis and treatment of health problems are usually less expensive and less distressing for both client and patient.

With a wellness treatment plan in place, clients are more likely to schedule check-ups and treatments they might not have booked otherwise. Regular communication with your practice also helps personalise their engagement with your practice, so the reminders are less likely to be ignored. This means that patients receive a higher level of health maintenance and enjoy an enhanced quality of life.

The regular treatment strategy set in place by wellness plans lays the foundation for achieving optimal health and wellbeing for your patients. Covetrus’ thoughtfully designed and efficiently implemented wellness treatment plans help practices grow while keeping patients healthy and clients happy.

Get in touch today to find out how wellness plans help prioritise patient health for your clients and your practice!