In a recent study, VHMA found that 20% of practices “don’t worry about performance, so long as the practice is reasonably full.”
A full appointment book may seem like a good measure of success but, without actually knowing what procedures are working you could be jeopardizing your practice’s future success along with the health of your patients. A key measure of this is understanding whether your reminder and recall communications are getting your clients to bring their fur babies in for their regular checkups.
What your practice is missing out on
In the same study, we found that 60% of practices do not attempt to recall patients who haven’t visited for 24 months and that 70% do not routinely attempt to rebook clients for appointments after each visit.
With an average transaction value of $150, just one additional appointment each day can generate almost $40,000 of additional revenue for your practice a year. However, to achieve this you need an effective recall and reminder communications program to encourage your clients to return.
What your clients are missing out on
It’s not just your practice that will suffer from lackluster compliance rates. While clients may think they know the best for their pet and are savvy when it comes to researching online, the truth is that they need the expertise and guidance of their veterinarian to provide the best care possible. You understand this – you just need to remind them of this important fact.
Animals, especially cats, are known to hide their symptoms. By the time an owner realizes something’s amiss treatment may already be too late. A simple series of communications to remind them that their pet is due for its annual check-up – plus the benefits this will have for the animal’s health – could be enough to bring them back through the doors of your practice.
What your patients are missing out on
It’s clearly difficult for animals to communicate with their owners that something’s not quite right. A veterinarian’s job is to be the translator and champion of the best care for each patient. This involves routine checkups to understand their state of health, communicating the findings with the owner, and then recommending appropriate treatment.
By not regularly communicating about the importance of routine check-ups or continued requirements for treatment, the animal is missing out on crucial care and could be suffering unnecessarily.